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  • High St. Nos. 28 & 30

High St. Nos. 28 & 30

This house and shop was built as a timber framed property in the late 17th century, but has a 19th century front. It is unusual and distinctive due to the vitrified brown brick with red brick vertical bands.  At the north end the gable shows exposed framing that has been infilled with red brick. The front has flush sash windows with gauged brick lintels. The two doors have rounded stucco heads. The house on the right was converted to a commercial premises in the 19th century.  There is a single storey extension built of vitrified brick also. Inside house number 28 there is a large inglenook fireplace.

Photo 1930’s
Photo 1935

Both of these pictures were shot in the 1930’s, the tall chimney on the side of number 32 testifies to its earlier use as a bakery, probably put on in the 1800 by the Webb family.  The second photo was shot as the village celebrated the Silver Jubilee of George V and Queen Mary, Jarman’s was a sweet shop. Now it is a hairdressers.

Pump at the rear of the building

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Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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