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St Albans Road The Punch Bowl

This land belonged to the Manor of Inges. The original inn was drastically rebuilt in 1901. Before its sale by the Bowes Lyons family in 1897, it was described as having four bedrooms, a bar, bar parlour, tap room, kitchen, cellar and coalhouse. There was stabling for three horses, a coach house and a garden at the rear. There is no information as to the age or type of building.

In the 17th and 18th centuries it was known as the Bole (1633 and 1639) or Bowl Alehouse. The Peacock family occupied it from Mary (1694) to Edward (1726). Then Samuel Clover took over until 1754, when it was in the possession of the Grimston family of Gorhambury. But by 1799 it was owned by Mr How and Mr Searancke, with Richard Pedder as the publican. Ownership passed to George Gape in 1839 with William Seabrook as the publican (1839-1861). In the 1870’s it was known as the Punch Bowl and the tenant was George Hughes. After the sale in 1897, it was rebuilt and owned by Benskins.  The licensees in the 20th century included the Griffiths family (1909 -1915), Jones family (1927-1956) and Mr Hammond (1985-1989).  It was empty until reopened in 1991 as Spritzers and then Fudge and is now a private house.  

The pub in 1920’s

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Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
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